Cancellation Policy
Spanish House “Vive el español”
Our objective is to provide a quality educational service and immersive cultural program to our participants. Absences, late arrivals and cancellations are disruptive not only for our teachers and experience providers, but also for other students. Please read and take into account our policy with regards to cancellations and missed bookings.
Our program has limited spaces and many of our classes quickly become fully-booked. Therefore we request that you cancel your place with as much notice as possible, and at least two weeks before your scheduled program, to allow us to offer your place to another participant.
Refund Policy
If a booking is canceled at least 30 days before the start date of the scheduled program we provide an 80% refund.
If a booking is canceled at least 15 days before the start date of the scheduled program we provide a 50% refund.
If a booking is canceled less than 15 days before the start date of the scheduled program we do not provide a refund.
Late cancellations and non-attendance
Any cancellation carried out less than 15 days before the start date of a booking is considered a late cancellation. If a participant does not attend their scheduled program without notifying Spanish House it is considered a non-attendance. Both late cancellations and non-attendances are not eligible for a refund.
How to cancel
You can cancel your booking by emailing or phoning +52 951 169 0550 as soon as you know you are unable to attend.
If you do not receive a reply within 48 hours, please contact us again to ensure that your message has arrived.